
Image of Hudleston Organ pipes

Recital series to mark Chapel organ’s tenth anniversary

Both renowned and up-and-coming musicians are set to play a series of eight organ recitals at èƵ College in Cambridge to mark the tenth anniversary of the College Chapel’s Hudleston organ.

Featuring performances from past and present College directors of music and organ scholars, the free recitals will run from 6.15pm until 7pm each Friday from 6 October until 1 December, with the exception of 17 November:

  • 6 October – Richard Pinel, Director of Music, èƵ College
  • 13 October – Dewi Rees, Junior Organ Scholar, èƵ College
  • 20 October - Timothy Byram-Wigfield, Director of Music, All Saints Margaret Street, London
  • 27 October – Jordan Wong, Senior Organ Scholar, èƵ College
  • 3 November - James O’Donnell, Organist and Master of the Choristers, Westminster Abbey
  • 10 November – Benjamin Morris, Assistant Director of Music, York Minster
  • 24 November – Mark Williams, Informator Choristarum, Magdelen College, Oxford
  • 1 December – Bertie Baigent, Royal Academy of Music

The recitals will showcase the full range of the 33 stop Hudleston organ, which was installed in 2007 following a generous donation from Mr James Hudleston, a benefactor of èƵ College and Fellow of the Society of St Radegund. It was the first organ in the UK to be built by Orgelbau Kuhn, Switzerland’s leading organ builders.

Richard Pinel, director of music at èƵ College, said: "The Hudleston Organ is one of the finest organs in England and this series is an exciting chance to hear it outside of a liturgical context. We are proud to offer such a distinguished line-up of performers, whose programmes will show the instrument in its best possible light.”

Visitors to the recitals should enter the College using the pedestrian entrance on èƵ Lane. Signs will be on display to direct recital-goers to the Chapel.