
Image of Bicycle blessing image

Bike blessing led by College Chaplain

Our Assistant Chaplain - and Associate Vicar at the University Church, Great St Mary's - led a very unsual blessing ceremony on King's Parade yesterday.

The Rev Devin McLachlan was joined by around 50 cyclists who had turned up to take part in the bike-blessing ceremony, which included a cyclist's litany and singing from the Church Choir, as featured in.

The anthem sung by the choir was specially written using the text of Ezekiel 1.19a, 20b: 'And wherever the living creatures went, the wheels went with them...because the spirit of life was in the wheels.’ and included references to the melody of ‘Daisy Bell’ and chord patterns from Queen’s ‘Bicycle Race’.

Thank you to Devin for kindly allowing us to publish his Cyclist’s Litany below:

Today’s Litany is a celebration of cycling and a recognition that humour is part of our faith! Take part in as much or as little as you like; the congregational responses are in bold.

God the Father, have mercy upon us.

God the Son, have mercy upon us.

God the Holy Spirit, have mercy upon us.

Holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, have mercy upon us.

From punctures and puddles, and pedestrians on phones, good Lord, deliver us.

From dropped chains, worn brakes, and rusted locks, good Lord, deliver us.

From sloth and fatigue and the cold winter rains, good Lord, deliver us.

From careless drivers, badly parked lorries, and motorcycles in the bike lane, good Lord, deliver us.

From bike thieves, tourists, and swans, good Lord, deliver us.

We repent of our own carelessness; of times when we have endangered others or ourselves through negligence, aggression, or haste. Have mercy upon us.

We repent of our tempers, of angry words and gestures, and pray that we might treat others on the road as we would have them treat us. Have mercy upon us.

We repent of our impatience with all those who must cross slowly because of youth, age, or infirmity. Have mercy upon us.

We repent of negligence in not caring for our chains and brakes, for failing to wear helmets, for cycling without lights in the dark and rain. Have mercy upon us.

Govern and direct all rulers, councils and police officers that legislation, planning and enforcement might ensure the good safety of cyclists and all who use the road. Hear us, good Lord.

Give us the will that more people might be able to choose cycling, walking and public transportation over driving. Hear us, good Lord.

Give us courage that we might be good stewards of your creation, choosing not to drive when we can ride. Hear us, good Lord.

For the thrill of an open road and a windless day, we give you thanks, O God.

For the mercy of bike shops, we give you thanks, O God.

For youngsters learning to cycle, and for all those discovering the joy of cycling, we give you thanks, O God.

Remember those who have died while cycling, those whose health or ability prevents them from riding, and those who must drive or walk this day. Give us your grace, and keep bodies, our souls, and our cycles in good repair, this day and always.

Holy God,

Holy and strong,

Holy immortal One,

Have mercy upon us.